Shanghai yidiao Electromechanical Technology Co. Ltd.!


Ltd. Shanghai engraving machine carving on the tail seat maintenance important

Ltd. Shanghai engraving machine carving on the tail seat maintenance important

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There are many, the company Shanghai engraving machine carving on the tail seat maintenance should pay attention to matters why? In addition to a lot of reasons and carve the tail seat key local, Shanghai engraving machine company will introduce the following reasons:
The first polish tail seat adjustment precision, if the accuracy is not high enough, then carve out the product cannot be re used;
Shanghai engraving machine carving second companies say the tailstock. Its demand for regular practice smooth effect, have a look the whole switch can have the malposition phenomenon; demand for components to stop the inspection and replacement and maintenance;
Fixed condition third is nuts and screws, this will incur can carve machine products;
Fourth to check cause work smooth tailstock hydraulic cylinder;
The fifth is on the tail seat cleaning and maintenance;